Finding Your Ancestors Workshop at the North Carolina State Archives

While this isn’t really Civil War related, it might help those of you who want to sharpen your genealogical skills, which could help you with your Civil War based research.

The Friends of the Archives will sponsor a “Finding Your Ancestors” genealogical workshop at the Archives and History/State Library Building in Raleigh on Saturday, September 24, 2011. This program will focus on using the records of the North Carolina State Archives and is open to anyone interested in learning more about their individual family history through genealogical research.

The workshop fee is $40 per registrant ($30 if registered before September 10) and should be sent in with the registration form. Friends of the Archives members may register at a discounted fee of $25. An optional box lunch will be available for an additional $10. Checks for registration, and lunch if desired, should be made payable to the Friends of the Archives, Inc. and mailed to the State Archives.

Additional information is available in the workshop brochure (PDF) or by writing to the North Carolina State Archives at 4614 MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699, or by e-mail to

Early registration is encouraged. To ensure participation please return the registration form (PDF) as soon as possible but before September 16, 2011. Registration will be held at 9:00 A.M. on September 24, 2011 in the lobby of the Archives and History/State Library Building.

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